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Past Attendees Say . . .

"I did exactly what you said, and it worked!" - Tyson Bowman, Country Singer-Songwriter, on his writing and sending of a press release after Press Releases 101
"Very informative, and comfortable evironment. Megan is a wealth of knowledge." - Alicia Haymer of The Amun Ra Theatre of Nashville, TN
"I did some soul-searching as a result of your workshop. . . . I am very clear and succinct now about what can consistitute my brand. . . . very inspriring and motivational to me because it reminded me of what kind of message I want to send and with the images to use." -Lisa Aschmann, Singer-Songwriter, after Branding & Re-Branding
Melody Erickson with Artists In Nashville         Sandy Burr, Tyson Bowman                 Megan McInnis during a workshop

About the workshops

The monthly Marketing & PR Workshops for (All Types of) Artists are open to the public and are designed for independent artists and entrepreneurs. Attendees complete the workshops with specific, applicable information to "get them to the next level." It's DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Marketing & PR at its finest!
Date: the 3rd Saturday of each month
For scheduled workshops and topics, click here
Time: 12:00 noon
Cost: $35 for the general public or $25 for the membership/readers/viewers of Professional Sponsors
Place: Selection Center, 2960 Sidco Drive, Nashville, TN 37204
RSVP: Register by 12:00 noon the Thursday prior to the workshop

·         Branding & Re-Branding

·         How to Promote Your Concert

·         Create Your Own Pitch

·         Make the Most of Your Website (without

·         Create & Use Your Own Tagline

·         Define Your Target Audience (so you can

        spending more money)

·         Press Releases 101

        move forward, faster)

·         Press Kits & EPKs

·         Develop Your Own Marketing Plan

·         Social Media for Beginners

·         E-Mail Marketing

·         Sponsorships

·         How to PR Your Art at a Festival

·         Or, submit your own idea!


Premium Sponsors

Premium Sponsorships are reserved for the venue, food and financial supporters of the workshops. Each is given time to speak to workshop attendees and the opportunity to distribute promotional items. For information about sponsorship, email Megan@MeganMcInnis.com. Thank you to past Premium Sponsors for their support:
The Little Red Rooster

Professional Sponsors

Professional Sponsors strengthen the arts and business communities and provide this discount as an additional benefit to membership. For information about this sponsorship, email Megan@MeganMcInnis.com. Thank you to the Professional Sponsors for their support.


The following have contributed give-aways. Only workshop attendees receive give-aways. Thank you to all who have contributed give-aways.
Melissa Ellen
Pancake Pantry
Tim Cummings PE, AlnstIB
Mysteries & More Bookstore
Judy Rodman, All Things Vocal